Sesame Oil is used in health treatments and massages for the body. It is a great remedy for migraine and insomnia, and also relieves anxiety. This oil is also believed to cure health problems associated with aggravation of Vata. The oil also removes wrinkles and is a natural moisturizer.
Manjistha or Indian Madder
Manjistha or Indian madder is bittersweet and has astringent qualities. It is widely used as a skin care herb, and has anti-inflammatory properties as well.
Green Cardamom
A symbol of beauty, purity and freshness. Green Cardamom is pungent and aromatic in nature. It possesses dermatological and anti-microbial qualities. It soothes inflammatory symptoms in the skin.
Winter Cherry
Winter Cherry is made by steam processing of warmed, water-soaked wintergreen leaves. It eradicates pain and relieves stress and tension. Wintergreen gets absorbed easily into the skin and acts like a natural numbing agent. It also promotes blood circulation.
Amla or Indian Gooseberry
Amla or Indian Gooseberry is considered an Ayurvedic elixir for skin and hair and is used in Ayurveda for a variety of beauty treatments. Its natual toning and antibacterial action helps prevent acne and spots while adding a healthy glow to the skin.
Dhanwantaram Thailam is a traditional formula that relieves pain, rejuvenates the body and increases immunity. Made with sesame oil, gooseberry, vetiver, indian madder and sida cordifolia also known as bala in ayurveda, it strengthens the muscles and improves the elasticity of the skin. Also known to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
- Improves skin texture
- Increases skin elasticity
- Reduces stretch marks
- Boosts immunity
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