The benefits of coconut oil come from lauric acid, its main component that sets it apart from other oils giving it proven antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory benefits. Just Herbs virgin coconut oil has been produced according to the national programme for organic production (npop) India & national organic program (nop) technical standards usa. Being cold-pressed, this oil is in its purest form with water-white colour and contains natural vitamin e. The oil has been subjected to less intense refining, lower temperature and no chemicals. Changes in heat and temperature create a disturbance in pitta dosha, which is associated with the fire element, and causing a sensitive skin syndrome (in which the skin is easily irritated and inflamed with diffused redness). eczema, acne and rosacea are other example of pitta imbalance. According to Ayurveda, coconut oil has pitta pacifying or cooling properties.
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